Posts Tagged "Nashville alarm system company"

Security Systems – Knowing The Real Vs Fake

by Flex Alarms

The odds of having your home burglarized is pretty high. Data from FBI crime report shows that the average of one in every thirty-six homes in the US will be broken into this year.

The concerning data from the National Crime Stats and Tennesse Crime Stats, have increased citizens rate of concern which in turn has driven up the demand for Home Security Alarm Systems in Nashville.This is a very promising sign for home security businesses.

It is common to have a home security salesperson come knocking on your door. They have to be convincing enough to peek your interest into listening to all the benefits of installing an Alarm System in your home.

While it maybe difficult to accept, some home security systems could be scams and therefore precautionary measures should be taken before welcoming a salesperson into your home.

Since we are on the topic of security, then it is worthy to mention the following:

  • Commercial solicitors wishing to conduct door-to-door sales in Nashville must obtain a permit and ID badge issued by the Metropolitan Clerk’s Office
  • Commercial door-to-door solicitors and sales are also prohibited at any addresses in Nashville if they are registered on Metro’s No Solicitation List or if a no solicitation or no trespassing sign is posted.

Aside from the above, there are also other behaviors to look for:

  • The salesperson may offer you a one-time deal and persuade you to sign a contract – watch this as there is always some hidden commitment for instance getting you to sing a long-term contract
  • If you are pressured by someone to let them into your home then you should ask them to leave. If they refuse to do so, then call the police
  • Don’t let them scare you with talks that there have been many recent burglaries in your neighborhood. Tell them you are part of the neighborhood watch program.
  • Request the following from them: the contractor’s name and license number, telephone number and which state the license was issued in. If they refuse consider it a red flag and terminate your contact with them.

You may already have a sign on your property for a Flex Alarm Home Security Service. A door-to-door salesperson may still target you, and try to convince you of the following:

  • They may imply they are from Flex Alarms and they are there to “upgrade” or “replace your current system. If you let them in without verifying identification information, they could install a whole new system and have you sign a costly contract for monitoring services
  • They may advise you that Flex Alarms is no longer in business and the have taken over the accounts. If you are faced with this situation, please contact us immediately.

Salespeople can use deceptive tactics to get new customers to buy an expensive and probably a sub-standard Home Security System in Nashville. Beware and don’t; be afraid to take the necessary steps to safeguard yourself and your family from these predators.