Posts Tagged "home security systems"

Don’t Be The Next Victim: Protect Yourself With A Home Security System

by Flex Alarms

Property crimes according to Tennesse’s statistics are very high in Nashville. The National Crime Statistics median is 27.3 and Nashville’s rate is 39.71. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website indicated that burglary offences in Nashville are on the rise. However, other crimes such as vandalism, arson and robbery are also becoming more widespread. Having your house burglarized is more than just a burglar stealing your valuables and possibly damaging your home in the process.  The average loss per burglary in the U.S is $2230, and this does not account for the psychological costs to the homeowner, who is left feeling that their privacy was invaded and which subsequently causes them to live in fear.

It takes a burglar between an average of 8-12 minutes to enter your home and remove valuables such as: jewelry, cash, electronics, gold and guns. While it will take you the homeowner, years to probably forget the horrifying experience. Do you ask yourself am I going to be the next victim? When you learn of someone else’s burglary experience? There is no need too.

A Nashville Alarm System will provide the safety that you, your family and your home deserve.  In today’s sophisticated, technological world, alarm systems are not just equipped to ward off intruders. With access from your smart phone you could also call emergency personnel and control your lights as well.

Flex Alarm’s flex panel interactive security and control system, is the first security panel specifically designed for use with phones and tablets. An alarm system is also an efficient discouraging factor for burglars who might be targeting your home. With a Home Security System in Nashville, you home will have continuous protection, something you as a homeowner are unable to do around the clock.


  • Most burglars enter through the front door
  • 65% of burglaries happen between 6.00 am and 6.00pm
  • A burglar will target the master bedroom first.
  • A burglary could happen to you whether you live in the city or the suburbs.

It is your duty to safeguard your home and your family and it should be your number one concern whether you are at home or away.

Security Systems – Knowing The Real Vs Fake

by Flex Alarms

The odds of having your home burglarized is pretty high. Data from FBI crime report shows that the average of one in every thirty-six homes in the US will be broken into this year.

The concerning data from the National Crime Stats and Tennesse Crime Stats, have increased citizens rate of concern which in turn has driven up the demand for Home Security Alarm Systems in Nashville.This is a very promising sign for home security businesses.

It is common to have a home security salesperson come knocking on your door. They have to be convincing enough to peek your interest into listening to all the benefits of installing an Alarm System in your home.

While it maybe difficult to accept, some home security systems could be scams and therefore precautionary measures should be taken before welcoming a salesperson into your home.

Since we are on the topic of security, then it is worthy to mention the following:

  • Commercial solicitors wishing to conduct door-to-door sales in Nashville must obtain a permit and ID badge issued by the Metropolitan Clerk’s Office
  • Commercial door-to-door solicitors and sales are also prohibited at any addresses in Nashville if they are registered on Metro’s No Solicitation List or if a no solicitation or no trespassing sign is posted.

Aside from the above, there are also other behaviors to look for:

  • The salesperson may offer you a one-time deal and persuade you to sign a contract – watch this as there is always some hidden commitment for instance getting you to sing a long-term contract
  • If you are pressured by someone to let them into your home then you should ask them to leave. If they refuse to do so, then call the police
  • Don’t let them scare you with talks that there have been many recent burglaries in your neighborhood. Tell them you are part of the neighborhood watch program.
  • Request the following from them: the contractor’s name and license number, telephone number and which state the license was issued in. If they refuse consider it a red flag and terminate your contact with them.

You may already have a sign on your property for a Flex Alarm Home Security Service. A door-to-door salesperson may still target you, and try to convince you of the following:

  • They may imply they are from Flex Alarms and they are there to “upgrade” or “replace your current system. If you let them in without verifying identification information, they could install a whole new system and have you sign a costly contract for monitoring services
  • They may advise you that Flex Alarms is no longer in business and the have taken over the accounts. If you are faced with this situation, please contact us immediately.

Salespeople can use deceptive tactics to get new customers to buy an expensive and probably a sub-standard Home Security System in Nashville. Beware and don’t; be afraid to take the necessary steps to safeguard yourself and your family from these predators.

Crime Statistics in Tennessee Increase Sales of Home Security Systems

by Flex Alarms

An FBI statistical report of the number of crimes in each state in the United States in 2012, put Tennessee at the top of the list with 643.6 violent crimes per 100,000 people. These violent crimes range from burglary, property crime, larceny-theft to forcible rape and aggravated assault. While you may look at the statistics and think that does not seem to be much and that you will never be a victim of a burglary or other crime, chances are that each and every victim of a violent crime also thought that way before it happened. Why take chances?

A second report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that 28 homes out of 1000 get burglarized every year in the United States. For some reason, burglaries seem to peak during the summer season.

In the month of July 2015, the normally peaceful Germantown made news with a spate of crimes, ranging from burglaries to robberies at gunpoint. An elderly couple was robbed at gunpoint inside their own home in the month of January. In a similar incident, but this time inside a gated community, an elderly couple was robbed of their precious jewelry and hard-earned money. In another case, a burglary was reported by a 13-year-old girl who happened to be home when two burglars broke in. She had the presence of mind to hide in the closet and call her dad on the phone. Police are investigating all these cases.

It is no wonder that the news of all this has led to a sharp increase in the sales of alarm systems. Nobody wants to feel unsafe inside their own home. Nobody should feel insecure about leaving their home and going out for work, fun, and leisure. A Home security system can give you much needed peace of mind, whether you are sleeping at home at night or away from home during the day.

While the law enforcement agencies are diligently doing their duty, homeowners would be helping them make our city safer by installing a Nashville alarm system in their homes. Statistics show that home security systems can deter burglars and other criminals from entering homes. Even if they do enter, Nashville alarm systems can make them drop their plans and leave without taking any of your valuables. Home security systems can also help the police apprehend the culprits before they get very far, as the alarms will go off and notify whoever you have listed.

Home security systems are easy to install and operate. With state-of-the-art technology that enables the system to get connected to your phone or tablet, either to your cellular data plan or the Internet, you can be sure of having your home under 24-hour surveillance no matter where you are. With smart features like pet immune motion detectors, smoke detectors, key fob, etc., you are just one step away from protecting your home from criminal minds.

Protect Your Family with the Most Affordable Nashville Alarm Systems

by Flex Alarms

Home security systems in Nashville represent an almost mandatory necessity for every place. Fortunately, they’re not very expensive and they’re quite easy to install and maintain, as long as you pick the right professionals for this job.

You Can’t Put a Price on Your Family’s Safety

You’ve most certainly heard this before, from various sales agents who tried to push on you all sorts of fancy alarm systems. Your family’s safety is the most important thing in the world, and you cannot evaluate it in monetary terms. And, of course, that’s entirely true. But something else is also true: in the past years, thanks to the rapid improvements in technology and in changes on how data is transmitted over long distances, the price of alarm systems has decreased considerably. Within the space of a few years, security systems went from subscriptions ranging of around $60/months to the ones that start as low as $15/month. While your family safety is still on the first place, there’s no reason to pay more for the same service you could be getting elsewhere for less.

You Can Make Savings Elsewhere

The effective, and yet affordable Nashville alarm systems offer you more than one way of saving up some of your hard earned cash. One of the biggest advantages is the reduction you can obtain on your homeowner’s insurance. Each situation is different, of course, but most insurers are willing to negotiate a reduction of 10-12% for homes that have recently installed home security systems in Nashville. That adds up over the years, so it’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

A good, affordable alarm system should be able to provide you with the flexibility you need. There’s no need to purchase all the equipment up front, if you don’t want to. Also, the best companies that offer home security systems in Nashville also offer the possibility to ingrate your old, existing alarm system, thus providing the potential for additional savings. Of course, not all of the older systems can be integrated, but, if your provider doesn’t at least make an effort, perhaps you should take your business elsewhere.

Is Nashville More Violent than Other US Cities?

Nashville is a great place to live, and we wouldn’t trade it for the world. However, we have to accept it has its drawbacks, the rate of violent crimes being one of the worst. Unfortunately, it has been repeatedly proven that Nashville is one of the least safe cities in the country. Good alarm systems will go a long way in ensuring your protection in a place that’s safer than only 8% of other places within the United States. Thanks to the great work of the Metro police, the murder rate is at a historic low, but it’s still higher than the national average, which remains a worrisome fact.

Don’t let the fate of your family become the next piece of television news. Sleep tight in this beautiful, but agitated city by getting one of the top home security systems in Nashville. It won’t break your budget, but it will bring you some much-deserved peace of mind.

Step into the World of Tomorrow with the Latest Nashville Alarm Systems

by Flex Alarms

Most people cannot live without their mobile phones. Scientists keep coming up with all sorts of names to describe this modern addiction – but, let’s face it, this is not a simple addiction: smart phones are just useful, they have improved our lives considerably. And now, they’ve taken one step further, by integrating information about the security of your own home, with the latest Nashville alarm systems.

It’s All Mobile Today

If you’ve gotten used to the old and bulky alarm systems, it’s time for an upgrade. Everything has gone mobile in the recent years, so how could the home security systems in Nashville be left behind? Indeed, the Nashville alarm systems are now connected to your mobile phone, so you can be at ease, wherever you are, knowing at all times what’s going on in your home.

You can customize the home security systems in Nashville so that you receive the information directly via your cell phone or by using your Internet connection, so that you won’t even need to keep your old landline phone around.

Of course, if you’re that type of person who prefers the tested and trusted low-tech values, you can still benefit from the great technology, even if you don’t own a smart phone. The home security systems in Nashville can be set up to work as they’ve always done, and you can interact with them via a touchpad on the wall (a great solution for senior citizens, definitely worth considering if you’re worried about the safety of your parents or grandparents). The integration with your cell phone is a very nice feature to have, but, if you’re not the type to use it, you don’t have to, and you can still benefit from all the advantages brought by these great new systems.

With the Latest Nashville Alarm Systems, You Avoid Becoming a Statistic

The unfortunate reality is that Nashville is a violent place. The burglary rate is close to 9 out of 1,000 homes (which the national average is at around 6), and the theft rate is close to 30 out of 1,000 (and the national average is 18). On every square mile of Nashville, there are 64 crimes going on – at national level, this figure is of only 37.

Let’s face it, these odds don’t look very good. If you look at the data for extremely violent crimes, it’s bad enough to keep you awake at night: the rates of rape and robbery are double the national median values, while those of assault are more than double (over 7 in Nashville, compared to 2 on average).

Of course, that’s not to say Nashville is a bad place to live, quite to the contrary. We love it, and we know you do, too. But you want to stay safe here, and you want to protect your family, so it’s best to be realistic and keep your eyes open for the best case scenario. The latest and most modern Nashville alarm systems will prevent you from becoming one of these unfortunate statistics.