Posts Tagged "home security"

Our Nashville Home Security Experts Discuss Hostage Situation

by Flex Alarms

Imagine your door being broken down and being ordered into the trunk of your vehicle at gunpoint. What a shocking situation to be in. It happened to a young woman in Nashville mid-July. She was forced into her trunk and shot after two criminals broke into her home to steal her belongings. Her life was risked so that they could steal her valuables and electronics. Ultimately, the victim recovered, but not without trauma, stress, and missing some of her possessions.

Home invasions are rampant in Nashville. There have been multiple reported instances of home invasion across Nashville, whether you are living in an affluent area or not. Usually, teams of two break through the door, startling the homeowner and taking cash and small, easy to carry items. Without time to call for the authorities until after the assailants are gone, they often get away. Police are left chasing the suspects, but then more home invasions occur, starting the chase all over again.

You can help prevent a home invasion by adequately protecting your home with a home security system. FlexAlarms monitored security systems can ensure you are safe in the security of your home. Multiple entrance points can be controlled by a simple wall-mounted security system. You can even control this system from your smartphone or tablet. Imagine how easy it can be to protect your house with mobile devices.

A wireless home monitoring system that is connected to your smartphone makes it simple to keep you and your loved ones safe. You can guard against prowlers and burglars right from your iPhone security system. Remote control of your security system gives you peace of mind.

FlexAlarms systems alert the authorities as soon as something goes wrong at your home. Because the City of Nashville has increased its patrols due to the recent increase in crime, police could be at your door in just minutes, meaning they could catch the culprits right away. With customizable systems, FlexAlarms home security systems will allow you to help reduce the crime wave occurring in Nashville.

Take a few minutes to think about how much more safe you would feel if your home was monitored 24/7 by a FlexAlarms home security system. You can even include a monitored smoke detection system that would alert fire protective officials in the event of fire – FlexAlarms can do so much to keep you safe.